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[What is AWBot / Features]
[AWBot Project]
What is AWbot
AWBot is an easy to use tool to test a web site.:
AWbot connects to your web site and make URL requests like any other visitors.
AWBot is not a web indexing robot but a web client tool that emulate some visitors browsing on your web
site to test its stability after a development change, to test its reliability and/or response to heavy load.
You choose which pages you want to test in a test/config file (parameters in URLs or forms can be easily supplied).
Then you can launch AWbot as often as you want to test your site, get benchmarks information
or make some load benchmarking (AWBot can be launched with several simultaneous process).
* Easy to use (create one test/config file) and run -config=configfilename.
* Support sites requiring Basic HTTP authentication.
* Support HTTPS web sites.
* Can make different pre-post tasks before-after a test (external script, SQL commands...).
* Can check each HTML page resulting of HTTP requests to verify if contents contains/does not contains particular
keywords or to extract values.
* URL or params to use in test can be dynamically defined (using values catched from previous page).
* A multi-session test launcher to run several simultaneous tests for load benchmarking.
* Report errors, response time for each page and average response time.
* A lot of other feature to match your test needs.
* Absolutely free with sources (GNU General Public License)
* AWBot has a XML Portable Application Description.
To use AWBot, you need the following requirements:
* You must be able to run perl scripts (.pl files) from command line and/or as CGI.
If not, you can solve this by downloading last Perl version at ActivePerl (Win32) or (Unix/Linux/Other).
* You must add the following perl module (Time::HiRes) to have time with milliseconds.
* You can also add DBI/DBD database perl module if you need to make direct pre-post SQL commands.
See AWBot F.A.Q. to have examples of supported OS and Web servers.
See AWBot setup page to know how to use AWBot.
Documentation / FAQ
If you need to know something about AWBot (features, setup, ...)
- Read seriously AWbot documentation (HTML - PDF)
If you need help
- The first thing you have to do to solve a technical problem is to upgrade AWBot to last release version.
- Then you should read all the AWBot F.A.Q..
- You can also submit a message on the Forum (see later).
Support AWBot / Donate
If you want to support AWBot development and encourage my work, you can:
- Purchase something from My Wish List at where I selected some stuff that I would like to have.
I'll appreciate a lot any gift from this list.
- Make a donation via Paypal.
This is the best way if you want to send me something cool. Thank you!
This is a list of all donors that allows me to made them public.
A big thanks goes to :
* Binary option robots reviewed
for their long-term support of the AWStats development.
You can also +1 this web site by clicking here:
For developer who wants to work on AWBot project
You can find current version of development for next version at the following CVS server:
For example, you can catch all sources on Linux running command:
cvs -d co -r HEAD awbot
This is a read-only server, so if you make changes on some files, send them to me by mail
You can view the Graphical CVS activity report built with CVSChangelogBuilder.
You can also read/download current development files from the CVS web interface.
AWBot PAD - Portable Application Description
You can include AWBot download in your own ressource site. This is its XML Portable Application Description.
About my other Open-Source projects:
AWBot, this one.
AWStats, an Advanced statistics log analyzer (web, ftp and mail).
CVSChangelogBuilder, a friendly CVS ChangeLog Builder with various outputs.
Dolibarr ERP & CRM, a powerfull ERP/CRM for small and medium companies or foundations.
About me and my other Web sites:
I am an Open Source expert since 1995. I started by developping web site, and Open Source softwares. I am still an active Open Source actor. I own a company,created the DoliCloud Open Source Cloud service
and I am responsible of the TecLib agency of Bordeaux, a major Open Source company in France.
You may find more information about me on by personnal Blog: Laurent Destailleur (Me, Eldy)
This is a list of main web site about me and my projects:
NLTechno, my company
Chiens De Race .com, my first web site (still alive 20 years after)