AWBot Changelog --------------- 1.1 Fixes: - None New features/improvements: - Can test HTTPS web sites sending https requests. - New parameter: PROXYSERVER - Added AUTO option. - Added possible use of DELAY option in ACTIONS section. - English by default in config file. Other/Documentation: - Updated documentation. 1.0 - First version * Easy to use (create one config/test file) and run (an "auto" mode for sites with no forms soon available). * Support sites requiring Basic HTTP authentication. * Can make different pre-post tasks before-after a test (external script, SQL commands...). * Can check each HTML page resulting of HTTP requests to verify if contents contains/does not contains particular keywords or to extract values. * URL or params to use in test can be dynamically defined (using values catched from previous page). * A multi-session test launcher to run several simultaneous tests for load benchmarking. * Report errors, response time for each page and average response time. * A lot of other features to match your test needs.